
Restored Miracle Pump

 Restored Miracle Pump

You may be wondering at the strange title for this posting, "Restored Miracle Pump".

That is because of the interesting story associated with this water pump that took place about thirty years ago.

I was out on my own, clearing a residential block of land and I saw, protruding out of the long grass, a very rusty water pump and the remains of a fence post.  

As I approached it, the ground suddenly gave way beneath me and I was suspended by the armpits over the mouth of a deep disguised, forgotten and long-disused, water-filled well. 

The timber cover of the well, carpeted in matted grass and weeds, had rotted away and, suspended in mid-air with my gumboots beginning to fill with water dragging me down, I prayed to God that this would not be the end of my earthly life.

Instantly, inexplicably and obviously supernaturally, the next moment I was sitting securely and safe on solid ground next to this water pump with well water running out of my gumboots onto my trousers.

I later restored the pump: replacing bolts, removing rust, polishing the brass interior, and turning a new handle on the lathe, for use as as a garden ornament.

So that is why I refer to this garden feature as the "Miracle Pump". 

This post was also published with Lionel's permission by the Friends of Lionel Hartley on their blog,

 Today's Miracle(s).

1. After pricing a replacement back brace for the osteoporosis-induced fractures in my spine, I determined that we could not afford the $140 the medical aid supply company had quoted. Today in Nerang I saw the same back brace at a different store on special for $7 simply because it was the last one in stock.


2. We planned on visiting a friend in the Southport Private Hospital. It seems that hundreds of other had a similar idea. After circuiting the block once looking for a parking space we were able to park in a vacant spot right near the main entrance.


3. We went to Kmart to buy my wife Rosemary a new sunhat, as her straw one was uncomfortable to wear and needed replacing. She wanted a fabric hat and Kmart had only two designs to choose from. They were priced at $9 each, but the day we went they had been reduced to less than half-price at $4 each. These particular ones were reversible and so she got both, the equivalent to four different hats for less than the price of one.


-Lionel Hartley

 Today's Miracle. 

Friday afternoon, my wife Rosemary was doing some cooking in preparation for Sabbath and the particular dish that she was making required some fresh green beans. As we only had frozen ones, Rosemary asked if I could go the fruit shop (only walking distance away) and buy some fresh green beans. I said goodbye to Rosemary and as I got to the footpath, a car arrived alongside me with our friend Anna driving. She had come unannounced to gift to us a box of fruits and vegetables. Inside the box was a bag of fresh green beans that Anna later told us that she had added to the box as an afterthought to give some colour to her gift.

Instant Answer to Prayer.

According to my appointment diary, I had this week, among several other appointments each day, an appointment with our new pastor (Jacob) who requested a getting-to-know each other one-on-one conversation. This was scheduled for 1pm. Tuesday. On Thursday at 1pm. I had promised one of my sons that I would be present while an electrician attended his rental property for some maintenance.

Around midday on Monday, I received a phone call from my son. "I have a problem," he said, "The electrician cannot come on Thursday, but can come Tuesday. Can you possibly be there 1pm. on Tuesday?"

I explained that I had an appointment with the pastor but if I could somehow get his contact details, I would ask him if we could change it. My son said that he would phone back in a few minutes.

I prayed out loud, "Lord, how can I get Pastor Jacob's 'phone number? Perhaps [another church member] may have it. Amen."

Just as I said Amen, my 'phone rang again and it wasn't my son's number that appeared on the screen but one that I didn't recognise.

The voice on the 'phone said, "Hi Lionel, Pastor Jacob here. I am now using a new digital calendar that has the week starting on Monday rather than Sunday. I have changed it to start the week on Sunday, but the calendar has moved all my appointments to different days, and as I have added more appointments, clashes appear. Is it possible for us to meet on Wednesday or Thursday instead?"

I assured him of my approval of the change and saved his number to my 'phone contacts list.

A few minutes later when my son rang back, I was able to share with him God's providence and the instant answer to prayer.

- Lionel Hartley

 Today was another day with a series of miracles.

I have been waiting almost a year for a neurology appointment because of a small cyst or similar growth in my brain, accused of a range of unpleasant symptoms. Finally, I was given a 1:00pm appointment today to see a neurologist at a Gold Coast hospital.


Miracle number 1. Being an afternoon appointment, although the day was cloudy, we had opportunity to wash our weekly laundry before going.


After pegging the washing on the clothesline, Rosemary and I left early to take a bus to the railway station, from there to take a train to another station, to then finally to take a light-rail tram to the hospital.


Miracle number 2. Even though our bus was running several minutes late, we were still in plenty time for the train and, along with a number of other travellers, waited patiently on platform number one as directed.


Unfortunately, due to track works, to the surprise of the platform staff, the train pulled up at a different platform, separated by an overhead walkway.


Those of us waiting at the advertised platform hastily struggled to get to the other platform.


The ambulatory ones took to the stairs and crossed over to the other platform in record time. Being less mobile, we had to traverse two ramps to get to the overhead gantry, then another two ramps to descent to the other platform. The train left before we had a chance to get there.


The station attendant apologized profusely, but explained that they do not inform him until two minutes before a train arrives, as to which platform it will arrive. We could wait for the next train in about half-an-hour, but again we would only have less than two minutes to get from one platform to the other depending at which platform the train arrives.


This was a risk we couldn't take so decided to go by 'bus to another station, one that has a centre platform for trains using either track.

Miracle number 3. Almost immediately a 'bus arrived and we boarded it for the continuation of our journey.


Miracle number 4. Despite the bus stopping frequently and taking a very circuitous route, we got to the next station before the train arrived. We waited there for the next train, boarded it and were taken to the station from where the light-rail tram was to depart.


Already 30 minutes late, we arrived at the light-rail tram station only to be advised over the public address system that the tram to the hospital was running late, 'due to an incident on the track'.


Miracle number 5. When we finally clocked in at the hospital for my appointment, the digital receipt showed that our arrival time for our one-o'clock appointment was exactly one o'clock, to the second.


Miracle number 6. The test results revealed that the cyst was not sinister and, until a cause could be found, I would only require treatment for symptoms.


Miracle number 7. The weather turned sour in the afternoon and presaging ominous storm clouds were brewing. However, after our uneventful return tram, train and 'bus journeys, we arrived home in sufficient time to bring in the washing before it rained.


Lionel Hartley

Not just a coincidence.

I was out for an exercise and companionship walk with my wife Rosemary and I saw an unusual piece of plastic on the footpath. Being the ever-curious one, I picked it up to look at it. I wondered what it was used for, as it was very small, shaped like a miniature bottle cork on one end and with a small round knob on the other.

I purposed to put it in the rubbish bin when I got home, but I forgot, and it was still in my hand when I reached my outdoor workbench. I placed it on the bench and promptly forgot about it.

Several days later I was using a rental car, a hatch-back wagon, and in the boot there is a shelf suspended from the boot lid with two elastic straps. This shelf is designed to shield the contents of the boot from view when the boot is closed. A previous renter had broken one of the fasteners and had repaired it with, of all things, what looked like chewing gum or some other adhesive and it was coming off. As I hadn't noticed it when I signed the rental agreement, I was concerned that I would be held responsible for the cost of its repair when I returned the vehicle at the end of the rental period.

I examined the broken fitting and I immediately knew why the piece of plastic that I had picked up just a few days prior was not in the rubbish bin. This plastic plug with a knob on the end was identical to the original fitting and was easily clipped into place to substitute with the broken one.

My lack of higher mathematical ability cannot fathom the chances of this being a coincidence. I believe that this could not possibly have occurred without divine intervention and I thanked God for his concern with the minutia of our lives. Coincidence is when God chooses to remain anonymous.

Lionel Hartley 

 Habits of Prayer.

For many years my wife and I would often retreat to a block of land that we owned in the Brother Mountains east of Glen Innes in New South Wales. Following the sale of the house that we had there, we returned often to stay in a caravan in an adjoining block of land that we had purchased separately because it contained an artesian well. Our water supply in the caravan was from a tank under the caravan, filled as necessary from the well. To get the water into the sink I had fitted a small hand-operated piston pump attached to the tap.


When the pump was frequently used, very little energy was required to have water, as the water poured out at the first stroke. But if the pump had not been used for a long time, the water got low in the pipe, and when we wanted it we had to pump a long while, and the water came only after some effort.


So it is with prayer; if we are instant in prayer, every little circumstance awakens the disposition to pray so that desires and words are always ready. But if we neglect prayer, it is difficult for us to pray, for the water in the pipe gets low.

-- Lionel Hartley