Yesterday I had a number of tasks planned for the day and one of these was to stop at the Church in the afternoon to print some Children’s Ministries felt-craft stencils.
In the morning when I was driving down the highway on the way to an appointment in NSW, as I neared the highway exit to the church I had a very strong impression, almost like a loud voice saying, “Go to the church NOW!” So I obeyed.
As I approached the church, a vehicle ahead of me drove up to the gate. The occupant, a young woman got out, but instead of opening the gate, she saw that it was locked and took out her phone. She stood staring at it for several seconds, obviously wondering whom to call to open the gate.
I walked up to her and asked, “Did you call me?”
Not knowing who I was or what else to say, she blurted out, “Err … Not yet.”
I said, “I’m Lionel and God tells us though Isaiah, ‘Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear.’ How can I help?”
She explained that she was a member of a Church that hires our facility on Sundays and had come to collect some items from the storeroom, not realizing that there would be no-one there at 10:00am on a Monday to let her in.
We were both able to complete the tasks we had planned, recognizing this as yet another ‘Divine Appointment.’
-- Lionel, 3 December 2024 (
Isaiah 65:24, ‘Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear.’