Puppet Script- Jesus Loves Jonah
Jesus Loves Jonah - Puppet Script
Two puppets: Jonah and Dave.
Music Intro
Dave: Hey Jonah, I don't like to have to tell you this, but you don't smell very nice?
Jonah: Yeah, Yeah, Dave. I'm already down in the mouth. Tell it like it is!
Dave: Okay, Jonah, You stink!
Jonah: That's not what I meant. "Down in the mouth" means feeling sad. But you're right, Dave, I do smell a little stinky at the moment.
Dave: How come? Prophets aren't supposed to smell yucky!
Jonah: Well, God asked me to go to Brisbane and tell the people about His love.
Dave: Oh yeah, and you're telling me that God talking to you made you stink like rotten fish? God's doesn't have bad breath! That's a nasty thing to suggest.
Jonah: No, the stinky pong came later.
Dave: I knew there was something fishy about your story! Then you're not finished yet?
Jonah: Gimme a chance. Well, as I was saying, God wanted me to tell some nasty people in Brisbane about His love and I refused!
Dave: So that's when God chucked a bucket of smelly fish at you?
Jonah: No - that's when I ran away.
Dave: You ran away from God?
Jonah: I got on a boat for New Zealand. Then when I fell asleep on the boat, God chucked a storm at me to wake me up.
Dave: A Storm-co trip?
Jonah: No, a real Wet and Wild, windy storm. Boy was that ever a storm! The sailors on the boat chucked stuff overboard.
Dave: Why would they do that?
Jonah: To save the boat. And you know what? I got chucked overboard too.
Dave: Wow! That's scary.
But if you had been chucked into the ocean you would smell clean, not yucky fishy stinky!
Jonah: Yeah, well God knew that I can't swim so He rescued me.
Dave: He sent a yellow submarine?
Jonah: No.
Well, sort-of - actually He got this big fish to swallow me to save me from drowning.
Dave: Whew! Shark, the Herald Angelfish Sing?
Jonah: Not a shark, just a whopping-big fish. If you think I stink, then you've never sniffed the inside of the slimy tummy of a fish!
Dave: I don't want to.
That sounds like a super-fishal story. I mean, being swallowed by a fish doesn't seem like being saved from drowning, it sounds more like dinnertime at Seaworld.
Jonah: Not when God's in charge. Well, three days later the fish coughed me out onto Redcliffe Beach, and here I am.
Dave: Three days inside a wobbly, slimy, smelly, fishy belly doesn't sound like you had a whale of a time.
Whatcha gonna do now, Jonah? Tell the people about God's love?
Jonah: After a bath, I'm going to Brisbane to tell the people that God is angry with them and that He will destroy the city unless they change their ways.
Dave: That doesn't sound like a message of God's love?
Jonah: Well I want to sit at the top of the Gateway Bridge and watch the city burn!
Dave: What if the people choose to follow God?
Jonah: Rats! You would have to bring that up. I keep forgetting that God loves them and wants them to love him too.
Dave: He obviously loves you Jonah, even when you disobeyed Him. I mean, saving you from drowning and all.
Jonah: Yes, Dave. God is sad when we are naughty but He still keeps on loving us.
Dave: I don't want to make God sad.
Jonah: Neither do I.
Dave: Jonah, you're special. I mean, you're a Prophet chosen by God. We expect Him to love you. But does God also love us the same? Does God love these boys and girls?
Jonah: The Bible tells us that God is Love. Yeah, sure, God loves them just as much.
Dave: Boy, that's sure good news. Now don't feel down in the mouth, Jonah - when you're feeling sad, remember that God loves you.
Jonah: I will.
Dave: Well, we've gotta go now. You've got to go to Brisbane, and I have to go and feed my goldfish.
Jonah: Don't talk to me about fish!
Dave: Kids, when you're feeling 'down in the mouth', just remember old Jonah here. He came out all right! God loves you. Bye.
Jonah: Bye.
Music Closure
Script by Lionel Hartley 22 October 2007 for Hands Alive Puppets