A Sponge Knoweth No Discrimination - A fable
A Sponge Knoweth No Discrimination
The frog - he had a problem.
His pond was far too green.
Another's pond was bluer
(He heard the birds had seen).
But Froggie had an answer:
he'd suck up all the green,
and so he bought a bath sponge -
the biggest ever seen!
Well, sponges have no manners.
They suck up good and bad.
And very soon an empty pond was all that poor frog had.
A sponge does no deciding - only you can choose.
Expose your mind to evil, and you will surely lose.
By choosing what you see and hear; what you eat and do,
then you control the input and you won't get sucked in too!
--Lionel Hartley, 31 March 98