
The answer to any question

I was asked by the editorial team of the University of Canterbury's Response Magazine in July 1980 if I could write a single answer that could be used to answer any question.
Here is what I submitted for publication in the September 1980 issue:
"Here is my politically correct standard home-grown generic off-the-shelf domestic answer: 'Personally, I absolutely definitely feel that maybe it could possibly be the considered opinion that, taking everything into account, and weighing up all the pro's and con's, there is a general consensus that, as far as can be known, there is no conclusive answer to this question, as yet. Tentatively speaking of course, although I would like to stress that this is only my opinion and I'm not claiming this is the be all and end all as it's an interesting question that, at least, should stimulate debate.'

-- Lionel Hartley"