
 The Use of Humour.

"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones." Proverbs 17:22.

I was working as charge nurse on a surgical ward at a country public hospital and a certain patient was particularly distressed. He was due to have surgery for prolapsed haemorrhoids and the patient in the neighbouring bed had told him fictional horror tales of pain and trauma. I tried to reassure the patient that anaesthetics would minimise pain and we had excellent surgeons and skilled nursing staff, but it did not abate his anxiety.

In the mid morning I was escorting his assigned surgeon around the ward as he met with each patient. I had taken the time to advise the surgeon in advance of this particular patient's concerns. When he met the patient, he introduced himself like this: "Hi. I'm Dr Blake. I'm the resident dental surgeon. I'll be doing your haemorrhoidectomy this afternoon." The blank stare from the patient was quickly replaced with laughter when he saw that the surgeon was only joking.

As they laughed together the surgeon explained that he was in fact a very experienced and skilled proctologist and the patient had nothing to be concerned about. Result: Anxiety relieved.

-- Lionel Hartley