The Difference Between Men and Women
The Elements of Effective Prayer
The Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13) contains all the elements of effective prayer, best remembered by using the acronym A.C.T.S.: Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication.
The 'Lord's Prayer' was addressed to: 'Our Father which art in heaven' (Vs 9a)
Starts with our Adoration: 'Hallowed be thy name' (Vs 9b)
Followed by our supplication for universal need: 'Thy kingdom come' (Vs 10a)
Followed by our Thanksgiving: 'Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven' (Vs 10b)
Followed by our supplication for physical need: 'Give us this day our daily bread' (Vs11)
Followed by our confession: 'Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors' (Vs 12)
Followed by our supplication for spiritual need: 'Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil' (Vs 13a)
Finishes with our Adoration: 'For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory' (Vs 13b)
Finalised by our affirmation: Amen (So be it!)
-- Lionel Hartley, Moral Responsibility, Stereo Publications, Christchurch, 1966 p20
(Matthew 6:9-13 KJV) After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. 10) Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. 11) Give us this day our daily bread. 12) And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. 13) And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
The difference between judgement and observation
To develop healthy boundaries it is helpful to make a distinction between being and behaviour by learning how to observe behaviour without making judgements about myself and others.
There is a huge difference between judgement and observation. It is vital for me to observe other people's behaviour in order to protect myself.
That does not mean I need to make a value judgement about their being based upon their behaviour. Judgement is saying, "that person is a jerk." Observation is saying, "that person seems to be really full of anger."
The trap here is equating I did something bad therefore I am a bad person, or I made a mistake therefore I am a mistake.
Job makes this distinction in Job 2:10 by saying to his wife that she “speaks as one of the foolish women speak” (nebalah, pron: neb-aw-law) rather than actually calling her a fool (raca [Matthew 5:22]).
--Lionel Hartley, Setting Appropriate Boundaries, Seminar NNSW SDA Camp Meeting, 9 October 2007
Premarital Sex
The following letter is shared at the writer's request:
Dear Dr Hartley,
I am writing to thank you for you re-printed article on the current* issue of the Australian Singles Magazine which has helped me immensely.
I am also writing to share an experience I went through last year (when I was 19 years old) and I hope you will choose to share it with others that they too may learn as I did - sin has devastating consequences that can affect everyone around you.
One of my closest friends met the "man she was going to marry" a couple of years ago and really fell hard for this guy. He also told her that he loved her and she thought it was the "real thing".
Thinking she was going to marry him anyway, she gave in to him and sleep with him even though she was a Christian and knew it was wrong.
Her boyfriend was also a Christian. This relationship continued for several months, until he broke it off, and refused to even speak to her, saying, "You're no longer the girl I fell in love with, losing all respect for her because she'd slept with him.
She was understandably devastated and went into deep depression, crying for hours each night. She had given herself to this guy, thinking she was going to marry her, and now she felt used, betrayed and worthless,
She also knew she was out of fellowship with God and she was too ashamed to go back to Him. She felt she was too low for even God's forgiveness.
Several months later my friend was dead. She'd swallowed 80 sleeping tablets after hearing that her ex-boyfriend had gotten a girl pregnant. Realising he was having sex with someone else now and that what she'd given him wasn't precious to him obviously pushed her over the edge. She left me a letter and in it she states, "to die will resolve me from the hold (he) has on me".
I cannot put into words what I went through after her suicide, and I was not alone. I'm sure her mother suffered deeply and her other close friends hit the skids as I did. I jumped into many of the "mudholes" of life trying to fill the void she'd left, and escape my feelings. These included alcohol addiction, bulimia, anger at God, deep depression and even thoughts of suicide itself. After reading your article, finally I realised it was her decision and I shouldn't be ruining my life because she couldn't cope with hers. So I turned back to God and both me and her closest friend are trying to put our lives back together. I don't know how her ex-boyfriend reacted. I just hope he woke up to the dangers of premarital sex. This sin that seemed so private at the beginning ended up devastating many lives. I would never under any circumstances give up my virginity before marriage now, and I have seen first hand what it can do. God gave us these rules to protect ourselves - no only physically from disease, but also emotionally.
I hope that something good can come from her death by being a warning to others, to keep their pants on, and in the words of Christian group "DC Talk", "The innocence that's spent is gonna hurt you".
Thank you once again, Dr. Hartley and your reference to Dr. Dobson's book which I have read (I am writing to him too.) Your article and the book have been a big help to me in making right decisions how to get my life back on track, and set my goals in the right places.
Yours sincerely,
(Name withheld)
*(Aug 1986 Issue)
Disappointments & Frustrations
A while ago I sought a valuation on a house we had for sale in the Brother Mountains.
Unfortunately, when I went to the house (A six to eight hour trip) and waited for the agent to arrive at the designated time, he failed to show up.
A telephone call to his office the next day confirmed an alternative time and I waited at the house another day for him. He failed to show up again.
I returned to town and telephoned again, but his secretary insisted that I come in personally to discuss it with him.
Having just driven all night, I chose to telephone a different Real Estate and requested an appraisal (as they were not in a position to provide a full valuation). A time was confirmed and I returned to the house and waited. He also failed to show up. When I contacted him by telephone from the village in the mountains and bemoaned the fact that I had made a special trip, he shrugged it off by claiming that he was no longer interested in domestic properties as he had more than enough rural properties to keep him busy.
I returned to town again and contacted yet another Real Estate Agent (part of a large franchise chain). The agent was not available when I called (twice) and did not return my calls. I located his website on the Internet and requested an appraisal by email. To this also he failed to reply.
I asked the local Real Estate under the same franchise in our town to organise an appraisal by this third illusive Real Estate, and they telephoned him and asked him to contact me, which he did not.
I then sent an email via the Internet to the Real Estate Franchise Head Office and complained. They sent me a reply saying my email would be forwarded to the said Real Estate Agent. I still have not heard back from either of them.
I finally contacted a tiny one-man Real Estate Agency and was given a date for an appraisal. I again went to the house and waited for the agent to arrive at the designated time. (I even telephoned him again in the morning to make sure he had not forgotten).
He was to arrive at 4:00pm. At 6:00pm I telephoned him again and he apologised, saying he had been delayed at a rural property some considerable distance away. He assured me that he would be there "first thing in the morning, before he opened his office".
By 11:00am he still had not arrived and I once again telephoned. He apologised, saying he had forgotten, but would be there later in the day.
He came at around 1:30pm, only FOUR MONTHS after my first frustrating attempt at moving Real estate Agents.
Although I have waited impatiently for the Agent's coming and have been disappointed repeatedly, I know that when Jesus says that He is coming, I don't have to spend $100 on petrol and drive up to the mountains to meet Him. I don't have to wait impatiently with my watch in my hand, wondering if He will show up or not. In fact, He has promised to return (and I believe Him), and He has been courteous enough not to frustrate me with a schedule. He simply said 'soon', and 'occupy until I come'. This sure takes the pressure off my waiting. And even though I want His 'soon' to be sooner, if we are ready, we won't be frustrated or disappointed.
Making Our Lord's Prayer Ours.
Our Father,
the most understanding of parents
Which art in heaven,
but neglects not Thy earth,
Hallowed be Thy name,
and let me not take it in vain.
Thy Kingdom come,
and let me be subject to Thee
Thy will be done.
Please show me what I can do
On earth as you prepare me for Heaven.
Give us this day
(let me not fret over the next)
Our daily bread
for our bodies, our souls and our minds,
And forgive us with the same willingness
that we forgive others!
Lead us not into temptation
(and chide us when we lead ourselves)
But deliver us from evil
through the leading of Your word
And through our daily commitment
to talk with you.
For Thine is the Kingdom
- Thy Kingdom in my life and through eternity
And the power and the glory
are to be ascribed to you alone
forever (beginning NOW)! Amen.
- Lionel Hartley, ©1999 (From Matthew 6:9-13)
Is Your Heart Touched?
You know you're a missionary kid (MK) when . . .
Blest Hope

When the final enemy breaches home
And breaks the quivering silver chord
When the clods of the valley fall
Like lead upon the sorrowing soul
When comforting sympathetic words
Like icicles cold are heard
Then maybe, the only hope words
That we shall see, are the ones that say
That the Lord Himself shall descend one day
And the dead in Christ arising first
From 'neath those clammy clods shall burst
And together ne'er to part, we shall rise
To meet our Saviour in the skies.
— The late Bruce Whittaker, Poems & Prose by Bruce of Farrants Hill, L&R Hartley, Murwillumbah, 2000, p9. Available from L&R Hartley Merchandising