
Making Our Lord's Prayer Ours.

 Making Our Lord's Prayer Ours

Our Father,
the most understanding of parents
Which art in heaven,
but neglects not Thy earth,
Hallowed be Thy name,
and let me not take it in vain.

Thy Kingdom come,
and let me be subject to Thee
Thy will be done.
Please show me what I can do
On earth as you prepare me for Heaven.

Give us this day
(let me not fret over the next)
Our daily bread
for our bodies, our souls and our minds,
And forgive us with the same willingness
that we forgive others!

Lead us not into temptation
(and chide us when we lead ourselves)
But deliver us from evil
through the leading of Your word
And through our daily commitment
to talk with you.

For Thine is the Kingdom
- Thy Kingdom in my life and through eternity
And the power and the glory
 are to be ascribed to you alone
forever (beginning NOW)!  Amen.

- Lionel Hartley, ©1999  (From Matthew 6:9-13)