“… there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth … understanding” Job 32:8).
It is absolutely vital that we have the *right* spirit to
understand God and His Word aright.
In the Old Testament, the very first reference to the Holy
Spirit is in verse 2 of Genesis 1: (… And the Spirit of God moved upon the face
of the waters). The word used here is the Hebrew word “ruwach” meaning
breath (vis. The Breath of God). This corresponds to the “pneuma” that Dan
mentions from the New Testament. This is expiration or God breathing out.
In Job 32:8 (But there is a spirit in man: and the
inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding.) the word for breath is
“neshamah” meaning, once again to breathe. In 2 Timothy 3:16 (All
scripture is given by inspiration of God…) the word for the expression
“inspiration of God” is “theopneustos” meaning simply “God’s Breath”.
Inspiration is breathing in the “neshamah” or “theopneustos” that
God provides. Like life-or-death mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, it is vital that
we breathe in (inspiration) the same breath God breaths out (expiration). There
is so much ecclesiastical pollution in the world, so many false spirits, false
prophets, false teachings, that we dare not allow our spiritual lungs to become
contaminated with any other “breath”.
Fortunately, access to the same Spirit that breathed
inspiration into the Bible writers is only a prayer away from breathing
understanding into us.
Pray today like you’ve never prayed before and God will
provide this life-or-death mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and revive your spirit
with His. “… there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty
giveth … understanding” Job 32:8).
-- Lionel ><>(Free resources on this topic are available from www.lrhartley.com/sg)