
The need to cross the sea the witness?

The need to cross the sea the witness?

I recently met a Christian couple and their young children (from another denomination) who had advertised that they wished to give the bulk of their Christian books to a church library. As the librarian for our church library, I accepted their offer and visited them. As I journeyed for the visit, I prayed that they were not giving away their faith with their books.

As they shared their books they also shared that they were going overseas in two day’s time as missionaries to … wait for it … my own home town!

As we spoke together they shared some of their fears and anxieties about selling up and moving to a different country. As we discussed faith (and what it is and is not) I was able to reassure them of God’s love and watchcare. I knew that God would bless their obedience to His call, as they were amenable to counsel and learned from our discussion that Heaven is a free gift – that obedience is our ‘thank-you’ for what Jesus has already done rather than what we must do to earn salvation.  While referring to me as a ‘Grandfather in the Faith’ they believed that our meeting was a providential Divine appointment.

At the close of my visit I asked if I could pray with them, entreating God’s blessings on their family and ministry. Even though we had just met, we prayed together like a family.

As I was leaving, I silently prayed for them again and thanked God for the opportunity to encourage them in their faith, grateful for the opportunity to witness anywhere, any time. As I prayed, I could sense the Spirit convicting me that to witness you don’t need to CROSS the SEA, you just need to SEE the CROSS.